Group Scenario Draft

3 Scenario’s: Linking them to the anthropocene

Here you can see 3 of our possible future Scenarios that we were going to explore before deciding and fully researching our final Scenario.

City areas become more like a community that way there is less distance to travel places and individuals can walk to each destination. Through this the use of transport would become less needed. As a result of this there would be less carbon emissions, less congestion and also less noise pollution. People will be happier and healthier because they will love more active lives. On the down side people would be to an extent to these smaller communities possibly not allowing for as many freedoms as we currently experience. By doing this we are responding slightly to the current situation within the Anthropocene. Its reducing humans current impacts upon the world.

Over Taking ‘Bike Lane’: Car lanes in the city reduced, increased width in cycling lanes to promote activity. So this is responding to getting more cars off the road. This will make people more active on their ways too and from home. It will be much cheaper to run your bike as it will be more reliable. There will also be less public health costs. So this is taking a step towards trying to reduce the consequences for our actions. We are accepting the current state of our world and we are trying to counteract it.

Cars like the Flinstone’s cars that force you to do a certain amount of exercise before they can work /or you can make credits to allow your daily commute to be easier as long as you compensate at some other point in the day (like black mirror). This scenario suggest a world that is in essence still similar to our own as people could still rely upon their cars to get to and from work but they would create some of the energy for their car from peddling making a small effort to reduce some carbon emissions. It would also force people of society to partake in exercise, changing people’s current habits and laisse faire use of their cars. This would help to increase societies fitness as a whole possibly changing the shape of society as such.

We researched more into bikes and found this website listing all the benefits of why you should start using a bike instead of a car for your commute.





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