Is human-powered technology possible for the future?

Our group scenario focuses on the result of increased urbanization and a larger focus on healthy transportation. The future situation works on creating a healthier and sustainable lifestyle with a growing population in order to counteract the current situations the world is facing. Bruno Latour (2013) highlights societies joint belief of hope, “because as long…

Technology and the Future: Do all Generations view it the same?

The concept of technology is identified and interpreted differently from one individual to another. It is easy to jump to the generic conclusions of technology being focused around everyday devices, such as telephones, televisions, the internet, computers and cars. However, when removed from the frantic and ongoing business of everyday life, technology can be seen…

Are we a new version of Cyborgs?

The words ‘technology’ and ‘human’ are completely opposite, and don’t highlight any room for overlap. Having said this, in today’s society it is hard to separate the words into their individual functions. Can one exist without the other? As we move into the future, humans and technology are becoming more interrelated to the point that…

Extending Scenario Design “THE VERTICAL GARDENS”

When looking at increased urbanization as one of our main axis for our Futuring Scenario one of the most apparent issues in this Scenario was going to be the lack of space and therefore the need to consider the environment more carefully. Within our Scenario we incorporated Vertical Gardens on all our buildings because it…


In the holidays I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do. Then I came across bike riding; something which I hadn’t done consistently for a number of years. So I bought a new bike and away I went. Not having any expectations, I ended up riding it almost every day with only a handful…

Obesity in Australia

These days Australia is ranked as one of the fattest Nations in the developed world where the prevalence if obesity has more than doubled in the last 20 years. I found when I was researching obesity in Australia the best way to shock myself into thinking about it was looking at the statistics. So below…

Fossil Fuels: What are they doing to our Future?

It is a well-known fact that fossil fuels are heavily relied on for the everyday functioning of society. Many individuals are aware of the obvious costs to obtain the fuel, including labour costs of mining, drilling and manufacturing of plants and transportation of the goods. These processes are generally funded through household and company electricity…

Group Scenario Draft

3 Scenario’s: Linking them to the anthropocene Here you can see 3 of our possible future Scenarios that we were going to explore before deciding and fully researching our final Scenario. City areas become more like a community that way there is less distance to travel places and individuals can walk to each destination. Through…

Building a Future: Transport and Health (SCENARIO BUILDING)

Process on coming up with our final scenario Selection: Health and Transport Research: Article: Is Modern Transport making war on the Human Body? Analysis: Key Ideas: As human beings we are affected by transport in many ways, based on our weaknesses of being human. Transportation by cars is the 9th leading killer of human beings.…

The Scenarios | A starting point (SCENARIO BUILDING)

Shifting short motorized trips to walking: The potential of active transportation for physical activity in Montreal   Research and Analysis – In this era of widespread obesity and sedentary lifestyle, there is a growing interest in the role of active transportation in increasing physical activity and help meet the recommended levels.   – Reaching destinations…